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Linking Directly to a Post

There might be times where you would like to link directly to a specific post, either to share the post with someone else, or to use the post as a reference rather than sharing an entire thread. To accomplish this, once you see a post that you would like to link directly to, locate the Post Options drop-down menu in the top-right hand corner of the post. Click on this menu and then click the Link to Post option. Once selected, a pop up menu will display providing two different web addresses.

The top address for Link to this post in this thread will direct you to the specific post within the topic. This will allow anyone that uses the link to see the linked post directly, but will also have the option to read other posts within the topic. The second link provided for Link to only this post will only display the post that is linked to on its own page. No other posts from the thread will display, ensuring that the post linked to will receive full attention.

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