Hello, back again with a problem. My son just got a new wheelchair, hoping it would help with his sitting and having sores. He has a new cushion that he can adjust, but he is still uncomfortable. This issue has been going on for 2 years now! He gets better than back to bed again for 2 weeks or more at times. His injury is 15 years old, he is 36 now. What can we do??? no one seems to be able to help him. He is getting so frustrated and rather down.,
First, mom101, what kind of cushion does he have? I have a Roho. Before that, I had constant pressure sores. Also, I sleep on either my right side or my left side, never on my back. It's a luxury for me to allow myself to lie on my back.
For the actual sore, I put the gooey inner side of a piece of an aloe vera leaf. Yes,... from the grocery store.
Check with your doctor before using any alternative therapy.
He has a Roho, always has. He was told he was not sitting at the right angle, so new chair, went to pt, she did a check where his pressure points were, red where his bones are. But no answers as to what to do!!!!
Ok, I went and piked up some biking underwear, they are padded. Hope this helps. After looking around on the boards I found people talking about this, the brand they mentioned was no where to be found so I am trying .$65.00 for one with matching shorts. if this works is worth it and I will get another pair for back-up.
Ok, My son says it helps!!! Yea! But his chair is still uncomfortable, I just do not know why someone can not adjust his chair so it is right for him!!! I am gettin some more Padded underwear for him as that at least is helping him. Hope it does for others too.
I have had to learn to adjust my own chai. The professionals get it wrong every time. Every single time. Something as simple as putting the hardware for my old side guards on was so poorly done I was in disbelief. Study his chair and slowly the 2 of you will figure out what is needed.
Thank you Tetra, we are doing that now, as you said the professionals really have no idea. maybe it is because they do have to spend a life time in a chair. Oh I like your quote! Well met sai Tetra.
I think there is more going on with his back side. We have adjusted his chair all over the place and after 10 or 15 minutes his butt is in pain. The PT had suggested some kind of cushion that takes all pressure off the bones and has a back on it. The problem is it replaces the back on the chair and he would not be able to tear down his chair to get in the car!!!! Has anyone heard of this type of cushion???
I think my son better just go to the doctor. This is just not right, he should not be feeling pain after 10 or 15 minutes in his chair, there has to be more going on with him. I feel scared and worried.
I think my son better just go to the doctor. This is just not right, he should not be feeling pain after 10 or 15 minutes in his chair, there has to be more going on with him. I feel scared and worried.
That makes sense. I hope the doctor can help. It would certainly impair his health further to spend a lot of time in bed.
The "cushion" suggested, is it a ride cushion? That is a wonderful seating system that removes all weight from sensitive spot, but I elieve it requires a power chair, which then requires a van. That is a huge step and a huge investment.
As of now my son called the insurance co. told them he can not even sit in his new chair they called the company that made the chair.A different salesman will be contacting my son. The PT said the chair is not the right size seat too short footplate not right so many things wrong. We are hoping they will tae bac the chair and mae a new chair for my son. My son is not too confident in getting a new chair that wors for him. He is now using his 15 yr. old chair with a phone boo under his new cushion and says it feel better!!!! crossing our fingers and praying alot...
Something else to consider is the diet, lots of protein will definitely help healing those spots. You don't want to get to a point where he has to have a flap surgery! Protein, protein, routine is the key.
Yes he is eating more protein. Part of the problem is his buttock is so thin. I don't know how we can fix that??? I don't know if some kind of exercise would do any good? will the muscles still flex? I have to look into this. What do people do?????