Can't believe how quickly our medical folks are going...Last week I presented the wheelchair provider with a script from my Neurologist. Today I get a call from the rehab center to schedule up an evaluation for a new chair! That happening April 8!
Go Medicare!!!
My present chair is a Quickie II that I had for 6 years. It's been a good chair but starting to show it's age. New chair will be much lighter and more maneuverable...I just can't decided on a color. This one is deep blue with speckles...I'm leaning to green for the chair.
cbdives, wonderful that things are moving along. But the kicker is that Medicare is not paying for ultralight chairs now without a huge fight, and sometimes not even then. I have been trying to order my first custom chair for almost two years, and finally bought a used one. Medicare will not pay for a chair that I can lift to load into car. the chair I got at rehab weighs 56 lbs, and is not usable to function with ADLs. I have RA besides disease which caused my SCI, so medical documentation is there. My DME company did not help much in selection of chair or documenting function. May try with another company, as deadline for second order is about to expire.