I think too myself maybe as my injury is incomplete there's more chance of recovery then complete. Plus the more you help yourself and gain right Psysio therapy, more likely too gain recovery not fully but standing up or walking with stick! I would like too see other peoples stories or recovery stories how far have you come after your injury?
I think too myself maybe as my injury is incomplete there's more chance of recovery then complete. Plus the more you help yourself and gain right Psysio therapy, more likely too gain recovery not fully but standing up or walking with stick! I would like too see other peoples stories or recovery stories how far have you come after your injury?
Yes incomplete do have more of a chance to recover but there have been the odd complete injury with a miracle story. I for one aren't one of the lucky few unfortunately but I've still come a long way as far as strength goes!
After 3 years I am suddenly making very good progress, after missing physio for 7 months, due to lack of staff at our hospital, I am now walking with my KAFO's with crutches and I can walk with my arm on my therapists shoulder, I could not have done that when my physio came to a grinding halt 7 months ago, I have been exercising at home everyday and walking three times a day round the house. So yes I really believe that us Incomplete's can make improvements.