So, here's my question, I am ASIA D from what it looks like. I have bladder retention though, doesn't that point to complete cauda equina syndrome? My doctors told me I was 'definitely incomplete' though..
kisch5...if you have retention then you have complete Cauda Equina Syndrome (CESR) but in relation to paraplegia you would be classed as incomplete or ASIA D as per motor function and sensation.
As sci has explained (thankyou sci in relation to Cauda Equina Syndrome it can be referred to as ASIA A but this confuses more i think because we have motor function below injury level and sensation, although impaired.
I therefor find it easier to consider myself complete in relation to CES but not in relation to the SCI ASIA gradings.
kisch5, this is an explanation on complete/incomplete CES on the form. Take a read and see what you think?
I've read this over a few times and I think you're right Lαrα. I think I have CESR despite what my doctors say, although, who knows, I'm six months post op this week. I still have a window for recovery and I'm trying to keep a positive outlook. This frigid weather this winter is not helping anything at all!
I've read this over a few times and I think you're right Lαrα. I think I have CESR despite what my doctors say, although, who knows, I'm six months post op this week. I still have a window for recovery and I'm trying to keep a positive outlook. This frigid weather this winter is not helping anything at all!
Just wondered kisch5 if you were asking the question to a neurosurgeon/consultant? A regular may not be specialized enough to make this assessment to be honest. If you are retaining then this is an important you have feeling around your bottom (anus)? If you dont mind me askin...(this is the only place i could ask someone this question
Lαrα - my neurologist, neurosurgeon and spinal rehab specialist that I see have all said I was incomplete (I asked that question around a month after my injury to all three). From what I've seen, it seems like my sacral nerves are the ones that are affected. I can feel my quads/fronts on my legs, tops of my feel (L5, I believe). I cannot feel/work the backs of my legs (calves, hamstrings) and I have total saddle anesthesia, apart from the wonderful nerve shocks that start in around 6pm that usually make me sing with glee ! No worries in asking the questions either Lαrα, I am an open book
I void on my own every two to three hours DJ. I did Urodynamics, which is probably the most humbling thing I have ever done in my life, and my urologist told me I have a 'safe' bladder for the time being so I didn't need to worry about using a catheter yet. That being said, if I don't get any better, I expect to be doing it in the next few years (the straining isn't easy)..
No worries Butiki, I was checked around a month after my surgery and again 2 months ago during my Urodynamics test. Both times I was able to void completely. To be honest, I probably void more than I actually need to just to make sure I don't run into problems. I also drink a few glasses of cranberry juice daily to help. I picked up most of the info I use from this site off of the bowel and bladder threads.
No, I was told I was an L1 incomplete SCI. That is all they told me, and it took me a week to get that out of them! I had no idea why I couldn't walk for a week after my accident.
It is strange Knight and DJ because its normally part of the admission and discharge to asses and ASIA should certainly be on your discharge notes from rehab.