Hello, I have no experience with chat boards, Internet support groups and I am hoping there are people to talk to because I've been feeling absolutely terrible and I don't know how to change it. C4 5 complete quad living in Toronto, Canada, 20 years post injury. Things worked well for a while but they are not working anymore and I am feeling absolutely desperate. I'm not sure if people read what I'm writing and then talk to me or how this works, could somebody please explain to me how to be in touch with support people please?
Hi Bridget. In a way, everybody here is a 'support person'. Some will have your same level of injury. Some have been paralyzed for a long time, have experienced a lot and know a lot, though they may not have your same level of injury or issues. Others, like me for example, have been in a nursing home, so we know the frustration of trying to get the services we need in a place where those in charge may be clueless about spinal cord injury. Our Admin, DJ, is in Canada, so he will likely know about services there, much moreso than I would. What's your most miserable symptom at present?
Welcome Bridget, I do believe that DJ does live in Canada, and I believe he is also in your neck of the woods so to speak, if memory is correct he is also in Toronto.So Vintage I believe is correct. DJ may be able to help you, but we are all here to help in any way that we can.Not all of our members talk very much , but many of us do. Our forum is growing so fast, I believe that is because another forum closed up. We have many learned members and friends on here. I believe we all want to help others and at times we all may need help ourselves. The members here have helped me so much, whether it be a procedure, a Dr's diagnosis, a particular Hospital, just whatever. We all want to help even if it is just listen or talk, we know about particular problems that many other people won't. Again a big hearty welcome Bridget, I hope we all get to know you better, and hope you make many new friends here.
It is simple, Bridget. just tell us your story and people will read it, then decide if they have anything to contribute. It is a public forum and not all of us will be sensitive or thoughtful on the same day, so feel your way slowly. I personally have not read any thoughtless comments- this seems a pretty safe place. Still, don't tell us where your jewelry is hidden!
It is never ever wise to use your full legal name on a public forum of the internet, nor to share your e-mail address nor especially your phone number unless you have chatted here with the person for years. We CAN communicate privately suing the private message system- you just click on a person's forum name, then look for the box on the right that says 'send message'.
How have things gotten more difficult? Being C-4-5 complete is always tough.
As the other members have mentioned, I am from the Toronto area. What's going on with life? Do you ever go out to Lyndhurst for therapy? I found that Lyndhurst was a great place to connect with people with spinal cord injuries face to face however we're all here to help each other out so you did the right thing by reaching out!
The “Reply” section here doesn’t seem to be voice sensitive – is that because there’s something wrong with my settings or interface or whatever –? Does anybody know why I can’t dictate directly? The other thing is, every single time I open the Inspired SCI Forum, I get the same 2 messages: 1. A problem with this web page caused it to close and reopen this tab 2. Internet Explorer has stopped working. Again, is there something wrong with my settings? Very discouraging, I’d like to fix it, please. For now, I’ll dictate in Microsoft Word and try cutting/pasting into the forum. DJ, do you have a decent GP in Toronto, please? Sure I know Lyndhurst, I’m frequently at the seating and the wound clinic there. Spent 15 months in rehab at Lyndhurst when it was the finest spinal cord injury specialty hospital in Canada – before the massive hospital amalgamation/umbrella reorganization thing they did in Toronto around 1998. Were you an inpatient? The problem, of course, is that the intense, comprehensive, old-fashioned training I had in how to take care of myself is almost impossible to accomplish through public services nowadays. I am just done getting blamed by “service providers” who cause negligent harm. I should be used to it but I still find myself devastated, incredulous that there is absolutely nothing I can do to protect myself or affect meaningful change. Are most people on this forum in North America, please? The foremost terrible symptom today is having to chase a doctor for pain medication when pain and spasms keep me from resting at night; dealing with yet another overworked Dr. who wants to give me an appointment in a month’s time and expects me to be grateful for it. It blows my mind that doctors, specialists, allow their practices to grow beyond their capability of meeting patient needs and then blame the patient for their needs. I am deeply discouraged and not a bit surprised that so many SCI patients are drug addicted. I’ve lost my way to getting close to the things I love.
I've got to say this, Bridget. In a nursing home, I had my chart set up so that hydrocodone was popped into my mouth any time I mentioned pain,...never mind that they didn't care where the pain was or what might be causing it. On my own, I researched the bad effects of it and decided not to take the hydrocodone unless the pain was unbearable. I took Ibuprofen. A couple of weeks later, I got some unbelieveable pain,...whimpering like a puppy,...out of my mind. I asked for my hydrocodone. Guess what. The doctor had taken it off of my chart because I hadn't been asking for it. Would it be just too much trouble for the medical profession to explain to the uninitiated how their "system" works?
The “Reply” section here doesn’t seem to be voice sensitive – is that because there’s something wrong with my settings or interface or whatever –? Does anybody know why I can’t dictate directly? The other thing is, every single time I open the Inspired SCI Forum, I get the same 2 messages: 1. A problem with this web page caused it to close and reopen this tab 2. Internet Explorer has stopped working. Again, is there something wrong with my settings? Very discouraging, I’d like to fix it, please. For now, I’ll dictate in Microsoft Word and try cutting/pasting into the forum. DJ, do you have a decent GP in Toronto, please? Sure I know Lyndhurst, I’m frequently at the seating and the wound clinic there. Spent 15 months in rehab at Lyndhurst when it was the finest spinal cord injury specialty hospital in Canada – before the massive hospital amalgamation/umbrella reorganization thing they did in Toronto around 1998. Were you an inpatient? The problem, of course, is that the intense, comprehensive, old-fashioned training I had in how to take care of myself is almost impossible to accomplish through public services nowadays. I am just done getting blamed by “service providers” who cause negligent harm. I should be used to it but I still find myself devastated, incredulous that there is absolutely nothing I can do to protect myself or affect meaningful change. Are most people on this forum in North America, please? The foremost terrible symptom today is having to chase a doctor for pain medication when pain and spasms keep me from resting at night; dealing with yet another overworked Dr. who wants to give me an appointment in a month’s time and expects me to be grateful for it. It blows my mind that doctors, specialists, allow their practices to grow beyond their capability of meeting patient needs and then blame the patient for their needs. I am deeply discouraged and not a bit surprised that so many SCI patients are drug addicted. I’ve lost my way to getting close to the things I love.
Hi bridget, I apologize for the late reply! Is Internet Explorer the only browser you use? Could you try it on another browser perhaps? I've heard that forum isn't currently optimized to be voice friendly and I really apologize for that. The forum software should be updated soon so I'm really hoping they'll make it more voice friendly!
Yes I was an inpatient at lyndhurst for about 5 months back in 2011. I don't have a GP in Toronto however I do see a doctor at Lyndhurst once in a while. Try to get a referral into the clinic at Lyndhurst!