Lemon Balm, Thyme and Sage back from last year's seeds. I've planted beets, carrots, peas, cucumbers, ground cherries, eggplant, and broccoli. The groundhog got most of the harvest last year, apart from the cucumbers. We're trying to find a way to keep him out. Any ideas?
Our five month old pup also loves gardening.
The tubs came cheap from a salvage yard (claw feet are missing). Height is just right.
"Groundhogs have sensitive noses, as most animals do. Shake several tablespoons of habanero (Capsicum Chinese "Habanero") pepper in all of the entrances to the burrow. This is one of the hottest peppers in existence, and it causes a bad reaction in groundhogs, as in humans. It is hard to breathe in the burrow, reddens the eyes and makes them water. The groundhog's mouth will burn and feet with little fur that touches the pepper will burn intensely. The groundhogs will take their young and leave the burrow if they are uncomfortable."
Or I guess the next suggestion would be to stand there until you see one, then chase it quick before it can jump back in its hole?
Evening Primose, tiny strawberries, Calendula, Sage, Thyme, Basil, Lemon Balm, and one eggplant. The bloody ground hog got the peas, beets, cabbage, and sprouts (again!). Thank god for the grocery store. And look at those gorgeous flowers. They open around 8 p.m. and close by noon the next day.