This is news that most high lesion spinal injured people will dread, the fact that a deadly strain of flu is on the way. It’s not just the thought of catching flu: the bunged up nose, headache, fatigue and temperature. It’s the breathing problems, the constant struggle to cough. Anyone with paralysed stomach and chest muscles will know what it is like to drown in your own phlegm. I have to be percussed when I have a chest infection. That is to say somebody has to push down on my rib cage in order to help me cough. It is hard for the infected person and just as hard for the carer. Apparently this strain of flu coming from Australia is particularly lethal. Are there any Australians here who can add to this post?
The "alternative therapy" advice, when in this sort of danger from influenza, is to cook any dairy products that you will consume, and to throw away whatever dairy products you can't cook or don't trust. Take betaine hydrochloride to increase your stomach acid if your body isn't giving you enough for proper digestion. Keep your bowels moving along. The culprits are probably Salmonella or Shigella bacteria
We're heading out of flu season now, but it was a particularly bad year for it, the whole family had it this year none of us escaped it. The boy was struck harder by it than the rest of us but he's fine now. It just took a lot longer for him to recover, he needed a lot more sleep to get over it too.
Just the usual, though we were all very fatigued and needed a lot more sleep than a 'normal'flu. Coughing wasn't so much an issue short of 1 day but this round of the flu lasted me almost a week and the boy closer to 2 weeks.
No, we weren't everyone in the family tends to have bad reactions to the flu vaccine, however even so this year most people that had the needle still got the flu.
the NHS is currently rolling out our seasonal flu vaccine jab, but from what I've heard the inoculation is useless against the Australian virus. I think the newspaper reports are overly dramatic. If the flue only lasts a week it can't be that severe. Is it? Have there been many fatalities? We are led to believe, if you read the more sensationalist headlines, that people are dropping like flies. Fake news?
Well, Mike, it look more like usual in that, while it's a bad one, it hits elderly and infirm folks the hardest. that would be you and me. Take your vitamins!
I step in the water, but the water has moved on...