There's this comedian actor that i watched daily, he's freakin great when it comes to cracking a joke, even an old person laughed hard because of his humor. But one day i did not saw him in that show then the days past by and it took a week then he came back. I searched for him, then i read an article that he has been suffering from depression, i can't believe it because he always smile, laughed and he has all the humor that a comedian has. Now i understand that even you are a happy person when depression hits you it can kill you slowly. Upon searching, i saw that using can help reduce the depression. I don't know if that thing works. But i want to suggest it to that Comedian-actor maybe it will help him right? Does anybody try it before for depression?
Depression affects me badly, I've tried cannabis, personally I find it makes the problem a whole lot worse, I am sure it works for some but not for me.
Kratom is a nice herb. I’ve never had marijuana, so I can’t compare them. Kratom is legal in Texas, though not everywhere. It can help you sleep. Or, it can slow down clonus (involuntary kicking). It can stop pain (like my pancreatitis). It sometimes gives me an appetite. And, it lifts my mood, helping me be more productive in working around the house. I use the kratom strain “maeng da”.
People can appear happy on the outside but be dieing inside. I never let people see my depressed side. I have been suicidal at times and nobody would know what I was going through. Depression is the silent killer.