On Monday I was laying on my side and my husband was massaging my shoulder and shoulder blade. I had a bad knot so. He was pushing very hard, and then his hand slipped and pushed my t6 diagonally upwards into my t5. It immediately hurt afterwards so I rested.
I spoke to a nurse at my doctors and she said to just put ice on it.
Ever since I have had a whole range of symptoms:
Sweating a lot in my upper body Cracking spine and pain with some movements Constant pressure feeling and sandpaper/pins and needles in lower back (slightly below where injury was down to just above tailbone Intermittent pins and needles in bottom, thighs, feet. Neck pain
I couldn’t get into my regular doctor until Monday and was going to wait but I’m not sure if I should be going to hospital for an x rsy.
Can something so small cause serious damage if I leave it or can I just rest and wait for it to heal and follow up on Monday.
The pain is bearable (like strong menstruation pain) but the sweating and cracking is concerning me.