I did a bit of Aquatherapy when I was at rehab but I didn't like it too much tbone57. I loved to swim prior to my accident but after the accident I always felt cold after swimming. I was also weaker when I was at rehab so it wasn't too easy. I'd probably like it more now since I'm stronger and since my body regulates temperature a bit better.
Yes I’m currently doing aquatic therapy and it’s in a heated therapy pool. I have only done two sessions.It’s easy while I’m in there doing the exercises but the next few days are a little painful in my legs and lower back.I’m an sci from c3 through t1.But I’m going to stick with it and see how I do.
Yes I’m currently doing aquatic therapy and it’s in a heated therapy pool. I have only done two sessions.It’s easy while I’m in there doing the exercises but the next few days are a little painful in my legs and lower back.I’m an sci from c3 through t1.But I’m going to stick with it and see how I do.
"Gym rats" have a saying, "No pain, no gain!" With our broken bodies, we probably should listen to our pain--or, at least, evaluate it. I have found that movement is good, increasing circulation and maintaining or building strength. Using muscles that may have been sidelined for a while may cause some minor pain or a bit of stiffening after pushing for greater movement. That is to be expected, and monitored but not outright feared! Pain in skeletal parts should be taken seriously, and evaluated by a doctor if it persists or is moderate/severe. Seems to me a heated pool is a good choice.