My name is gabriel laguna i was injured at a young age of 14 years old, i am 37 now and have been a quadrapalegic ever since. Several years later i began developing several symptoms of a hyperstimulated nervous system, and that the slittest touch would set off my nervous system and stimulate my heart to autonomic disreflexia atrial phribrulation and sometimes severe autonomic distress, my blood pressure spikes extremely high at a quick pace and then drops even faster towards sometimes it feels i as if i may pass out, and if i roll in my wheelchair on anything but a flat surface, it could set off my autonomic distress to a point that it can be fatal. This condition has left me to be confined in a skilled nursing home, not by choice, only by necesity. Many physicians have suggested some options yet i only have medi-cal insurance, so i have been left in limbo waiting and suffering while life passes me by, i need some sort of help from anyone out there in the spinal cord community,i have searched high and low far and wide, and here i am hoping for that one light to help bring me out of the dark or anyone out there who understands what i am going threw, please help me, be an independent quadriplegic and getting the prorper treatment to alieviate this condition. Any assistance anyone can give me would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Hi and To the forum mrlaguna, it Certinally doesn't sound like much fun and being in a nursing home at your age must be heartbreaking. I'm sorry that I can't help you with your condition, all I can say is that we are very happy that you joined us here and hopefully find some answers for you. You will find a ton of support here.
Hi Lara, When you're in a Nursing Home they Just call 911, I have AD that spikes all day long, I am just looking for a way out of this. I am so sensitive, that I cannot function like a normal individual, well as a normal quadriplegic, going here and there, just to function happily within society.
Hi Truwrecks,<br><br>I used senthetic mj called marinol it does help , it comes in presciption form, because they will not let me use in a nursing home. If I were not in a nursing home I would use medical pot cuz it does dull autonomic dysreflexia.
Hi Lara, When you're in a Nursing Home they Just call 911, I have AD that spikes all day long, I am just looking for a way out of this. I am so sensitive, that I cannot function like a normal individual, well as a normal quadriplegic, going here and there, just to function happily within society.
There is the first thing you need to change for a start! If you have a life threatening AD episode you cannot wait for an ambulance. You say these episodes can be triggered so easily, then they will be frequent. You cant wait for an ambulance to arrive to give you medication??? You are in a nursing home with nursing staff so your health needs are met and trained staff can administer there is your answer...
I'm really sorry to hear about that. I know what it feels like to get autonomic dysreflexia but I can't imagine what you must be going through when getting it so often. What kinda treatments did the doctors say were available to you?
Hi DJ I was offered a Celiac Nerve Block thoracic sympathecemy, they couldn't figure anything out the Rehab where I was at , they could not make up they're mind, my personal physician wanted to do something to help me, yet the main physicians did not want to take any risks. So they shipped me off to a Nursing Home, without attempting anything. Now it's getting worse and I need some kind of help.
Wow I'm really sorry to hear that mrlaguna! I can't believe how doctors decide to leave you to it if they think it's too risky, I'm pretty sure they're doing it to back them selves up most of the time.
Health Care is pretty remarkable all I need is someone to help from anywhere or anyone, so this Unique Spinal Cord Injury Condition Is left to progress and is treated like the plague. What to do? What to do?
Ive been following your thread mrlaguna and i feel frustrated for you...Who can you speak with in regards to you care plan? You need to get something sorted about the emergency meds for the AD'S...
Hello Lara, I don't know I have only medical insurance and it's extremely difficult for me to get the special appointments that I need, plus the movement in what I have to go through to get back in forth to any appointments, it's extremely painful or uncomfortable. I can not travel in my wheelchair. It must be a gurney or an ambulance to transport that's the only way I can be moved. My case is very unique and sensitive, that is why I have declined so much. I'm just looking for anyone to help. What to do?, What to do?